Parents of 6th and 7th graders….have you sat down with your son or daughter and talked about topics like sex, dating, and peer pressure? Those topics can be really difficult to talk about. We at CrossWalk believe that if parents don’t take the lead and teach their children God’s perspective on those things during their younger years, our culture, media and their peers will...and that can lead them down a risky road. We know that you, as a parent have the greatest influence on your child, so we want to equip you to help them through these challenging, upcoming years.
We are offering a weekend called W3 which stands for Worth the Wait Weekend. Dads will take their sons with Adam to a camp and he will lead you through an audio series called Passport2Purity that will help address these topics. Fathers and sons will get to run a challenge course together and do lots of other fun “guy stuff.”
Moms will take their daughters to a special hotel in
It’s a weekend you won’t want to miss.
Stop by the W3 table at church or e-mail us for more info: