Monday, June 28, 2010

The kids from Zone 56 recently went on a water walk. They walked about 1 mile with empty jugs to obtain water from a creek. Each student then had to carry two 1 gallon milk jugs (about 16 lbs) back. This experience helped us to realize what over 1 billion people experience daily- life without access to clean water. We are so blessed and want to always remember to POUR ourselves out into others lives as God gives us the opportunity.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Hey Parents!! Here are the verses that your children need to learn to earn a chance to eat the LARGEST ice cream sundae that they have ever seen!!!
Lil' Wonder Zone (3 yr old class)- Acts 2:25a and Psalms 119:69b

Wonder Zone (Preschool and Kindergarten)- Psalms 23

Adventure and Extreme Zone (gd 1-4) Psalms 23 and Matthew 6:9-15

Zone 56 (gd 5 & 6) Psalms 23 and 1 Corinthians 13

Don't forget EVERY child in CrossWalk Kids Ministry and their parents are invited to our pool party! The memory verses are only for the ice cream sundae!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Zone 56 Workday

Some of the kids from Zone 56 were able to help serve at Camp Joy-El on May 15. This group of gals helped to prepare the camp's water slide. Below are some pictures from their morning.

Putting their muscles to the test!

Serving can also be rewarding!

Serving others, working for the Lord and building friendships- what an awesome day!