CrossWalk Kids have done an amazing job with raising money for our shoeboxes. This coming Sunday we will be packing all of the boxes and preparing to send them out. But our involvement doesn't have to stop there. Your child will be receiving a postcard on Sunday that looks just like this above picture. On the back side of the postcard, you will find a box number. We ask that your family might pray for the numbered box that you receive and the child that will be receiving that box. While the toys and all of the goodies that will be found inside the shoebox are special, the most exciting part is that the child that receives the box will also learn about Jesus! Please be praying that Jesus will be making that particular child's heart sensitive to hearing the good news. Now here comes the even cooler part. We will be registering all of these shoeboxes online. When the box is shipped, we will receive notification to where each of our boxes went! We will then relay this information to your family so that you will know where your box that you've prayed for went to.
What a great way to work on loving God, loving others and serving the world as a family!