The Amazon jungle is one of the most unique and diverse places on the planet. Some of the most incredible animals, birds, plants and insects live in the midst of this massive forest. Within that same jungle are people who need to hear and know Jesus. Many of them have never had contact with anyone from the outside world. God gives different people different gifts that allow them to minister even in the remotest places in the world. You, too, have been given a special gift by God to use in service for Him.
Test your knowledge of the Amazon with these True and False Questions:
1. The Amazon jungle has the nickname “Lungs of the Planet” because it produces more than
20% of the world’s oxygen.
2. The Amazon jungle receives about five feet of rain during the rainy season each year.
The Amazon receives nine feet of rain during the rainy season each year.)
3.The Amazon jungle contains the longest river system in the world.
the Amazon River is the second longest river system in the world.)
4. The jungle touches 4 South American countries.
the jungle touches 9 countries inSouth America.)
5. The Amazon jungle contains more than half a million species of insects and spiders.
6. The number of edible fruits found in the rainforest is estimated at 3,000.
7. It is estimated that 1,000 people live in the Amazon jungle.
250,000 people live in the jungle who speak approximately 170 different languages!)
8. About 50 tribes live within the jungle who have never had contact with the outside world.
It is very hard to get to many of the people living in the Amazon jungle. But God has equipped missionaries with the right gifts and abilities to reach and to minister to the people living there. Click here to watch a video about Andy, whose missionary job is to fly people to the hard-to-reach places.
How does God use Andy's unique skill?
Just like Andy has a unique job, so do other missionaries. God uses lots of different gifts and
skills to do many different jobs. Click here to take a look at other missionary jobs.
skills to do many different jobs. Click here to take a look at other missionary jobs.
What are some of the jobs that you saw?
Where these jobs that you would not have considered that missionaries do before watching the video?
Prayer Point-
We may not have the skills to fly a plane or treat a patient, but we can pray for these missionaries and help to give to their needs. Take time to pray for the missionaries that you saw today. Also ask God to show your family how you can support missionaries.